About Us

About us

The aim of the project ‘Coin finds from Olympia’ is to publish all coins found during the German excavations in the sanctuary of Zeus at Olympia in this online database. For this purpose, all coins will be examined at autopsy and documented photographically.

The project can refer to preliminary work by Prof. Dr. Peter Robert Franke from the 1960s, which was kindly made available in digitalised form by Timo Stingl, a former member of the Olympia project of Prof. Dr. Andreas Gutsfeld and Prof. Dr. Stefan Lehmann.

Beginning with the old excavations in Olympia from 1875-1881, the coins kept in the Olympia Archaeological Museum are successively entered into the database according to the various find complexes (chronologically by year of excavation). There is also a collection of 550 coins from the old excavations of the 19th century in the Berlin Coin Cabinet, which was worked on as a master's thesis (2013) at the University of Halle by Konstanze Stingl. We would like to thank her for making her catalogue available.



German Archaeological Institute
Podbielskiallee 69-71
D-14195 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 187711-0
Fax: +49 (0)30 187711-190

E-Mail: info@dainst.de
DE-Mail: dai@dainst.de-mail.de
Internet: www.dainst.org

Scientific staff:
Dr. Simone Killen

With collaboration of Fabienne Karl (2022-), Maya Lerner (2023-) and Sam Liam Rathjens (2024-).

Photography: Fotostudio Lübke & Wiedemann, Stuttgart; Reinhard Saczewski, Münzkabinett; Simone Killen; Fabienne Karl; Maya Lerner; Sam Liam Rathjens (see each object entry's print view for details).
Layout: Goldland Media
Maps: Goldland Media, Dr. Jürgen Freundel

Citation and copyright information can be found in the imprint.