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The German Archaeological Institute is a federal research institute within the remit of the Federal Foreign Office. It is legally represented by its President Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Friederike Fless.

VAT identification number

The VAT identification number of the German Archaeological Instiute is: DE 811 35 38 34.

Responsible Party (in Accordance with German Press Law)

Dr. Simone Killen

Online Catalogue of the Coin Finds from Olympia

Commission for Ancient History and Epigraphy of the German Archaeological Institute
Amalienstr. 73 b
80799 Munich

Project management: Simone Killen
Editorial: Simone Killen
Programming: Jürgen Freundel, Ilmenau

Academic Staff and responsibilities

Coin finds: Simone Killen

Photography: Fotostudio Lübke & Wiedemann, Stuttgart; Reinhard Saczewski, Münzkabinett; Simone Killen; Fabienne Karl; Maya Lerner, Sam Liam Rathjens (see each object entry's print view for details).
Layout: Goldland Media
Maps: Goldland Media, Dr. Jürgen Freundel


More information


The German Archaeological Institute holds the Copyright of this website ( The Copyright includes both related texts and images of the home page and the descriptions of objects within the database section. These parts are licensed Creative Commons - ShareAlike Attribution 4.0 International.

Depending on their legal status, photographs of objects in the database and on the home page are licensed individually. In general any photographs of objects whose creator (i.e. of the object in question) has been dead for at least 70 years are Public Domain Mark 1.0. In any other cases individual statements regarding the rights of third parties will be given.

Recommended quotation of this website: Catalogue of the coin finds from Olympia

Recommended quotation for a single object within the online catalogue: Catalogue of the coin finds from Olympia, [8-digit object number]

To create a hyperlink in the Internet to a single object: Please add the 8-digit object number to this adress line /object?id=[object number]. For example

Photo credit: Photographs by [please insert name of photographer, to be taken from each object entry's print view].

Creative Commons License Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons - ShareAlike Attribution 4.0 International license.

In cases of doubt we refer to the Imprint of the German Archaeological Institute and general regulations of copyright as expressed there.